Saturday, April 14, 2018

Mount Fuji, at the 5th Station

Mount Fuji is 3,776 meters high and is the highest mountain in Japan.  With unrivaled magnificence and a beautiful cone shape, Mt. Fuji has often been selected as the subject of paintings and literature.  It is a volcano that has been dormant since its last eruption, in 1707, but is still generally classified as active by geologists. Mount Fuji's exceptionally symmetrical cone is a well-known symbol of Japan and it is frequently depicted in art and photographs, as well as visited by sightseers and climbers.

Mt. Fuji has an image of being snow-capped, but actually it's not covered in snow all year round. Usually, the snow melts in the summer and you can see the surface. Mt. Fuji usually starts being covered in snow in late September to early October, and the peak of the snowfall is from March to May.
In Japan, there has been a culture to respect a mountain as a spiritual spot since old times. Mount Fuji has been a sacred site for practicers of Shinto since the 7th century. Shinto is the indigenous spirituality of Japan. From the old days, many people worshipping and practicing Shintoism have been visiting this Komitake shrine, located at the 5th Station of Mt. Fuji.
It is said that Mt. Komitake was a mountain that existed before Mt. Fuji of today, and that this Komitake shrine was established as a place to pray more than 1000 years ago.
Komitake and Ko-Fuji (Old Fuji) became a base and erupted repeatedly, which formed the present figure of Mt.Fuji. In 937, Fujisan Komitake Sharing was located and the Komitake Shrine constructed on the peak of Komitake Mountain as the sacred place of the mountain faith.
At 2,400 meters the 5th station is the highest starting point to climb Mount Fuji, and it connects to a trail which is the shortest route to the top. Populated with several shops, cafes, a temple, a couple of observation decks and a post office, the station has the feel of a small village. You can thoroughly enjoy the magnificence of Mt. Fuji by just looking at the beautiful sight and its surrounding environment close at hand in all seasons without having to climb all the way to the top.
Source: Wikipedia

1 comment:

  1. I was surprised of your blog, about Fuji and thank you so much.
